2013年8月29日 星期四

Re-中国财政部部长楼继伟 Aug 29,2013

楼继伟:进一步加强高风险地区债务监管 扩大房产税试点范围

姓  名:楼继伟

性  别:男

日    月    年

2004 /2015 甲午


Wild Guess-municipal debt and tax reform are still tough issues

2013年8月25日 星期日

Re-房姐”逃离楼市泡沫破裂 神木被推向崩溃边缘

Re-房姐”逃离楼市泡沫破裂 神木被推向崩溃边缘--民间借贷的链条应声断裂。伴随着多个“集资大王”、房地产商的跑路,神木陷入人人自危的境地。(http://fangchan.21cbh.com/2013/8-26/zONTYwXzc0ODkzOA_2.html)

王和平,神木县王家畔人,陕西正和房地产开发有限公司的法人代表。今年6 月底,王和平在内蒙古鄂尔多斯一间宾馆死去,死因引发猜测。因涉及民间借贷问题,其个人经济状况牵扯多人。


日    月    年
2013 癸巳--印=boss?2013 癸巳傷月

Just Wild Guess

2013年8月19日 星期一

Re-Aug 19, 2013 Investors leery of Maersk oil plans

Investors leery of Maersk oil plans

Investors fear that what goes in won't come out again (Photo: Maersk Drilling)
Major investors, including Carnegie Worldwide, have announced plans to reduce their holdings of shares in A.P. Moller-Maersk, Denmark’s largest company, due to concerns that it is pumping too much money into oil exploration. Carnegie and other institutional investors described the investments as “high-risk”. Nils Andersen, Maersk’s chief executive, said it should come as no surprise to investors that it takes large investments to explore for oil. He added that the conglomerate’s oil activities were starting to show improvement. – Børsen


A.P. Moller – Maersk Group (Danish: A.P. Møller – Mærsk Gruppen), also known as Maersk, is a Danish business conglomerate. A.P. Moller – Maersk Group has activities in a variety of business sectors, primarily within the transportation and energy sectors. It has been the largest container ship operator and supply vessel operator in the world] since 1996.(wiki)

Nils Smedegaard Andersen (born July 8, 1958  ) has been CEO of AP Moller - Maerska since 1 December 2007

八字 modelling
born July 8, 1958 
西元: 1958年 7月 8日男性
日    月    年 
大運2008/2018 甲子殺 good 2016財---年??

Oil=火=財 CEO  sinvce 1 December 2007  2007年12月 1日:男性  日    月    年

Wild Guess--hurdles in 2015-16 ??

Just ungrounded wild guess;the sole purpose of my comment is to propaganda superstition and determinism 都是純粹的猜測 ; 我評論的唯一目的是宣傳迷信和決定論:想起倪匡作品-在數難逃 ;永勝麻雀白頭佬見解: 例湯-整定


2013年8月18日 星期日


光大證券股份有限公司Everbright Securities Company Limited
成立日期 1996-04-23

八字 modelling

大運2010/2020 甲午
2013 Aug



HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Co., Limited
Registration Number:1788941
Registration Date:20 August 2012

八字 modelling
2012年 8月20日 時男性
時    日    月    年
大運2018   2028 己酉印 sounds good 2013 巳--坐財 sounds good


2013年8月15日 星期四



21世纪经济报道 周慧;宋江云;马永涛;蒋文 湖北、北京报道 2013-08-16 00:36:09  评论(0) 移动客户端
1995年11月27日          太平洋建设集团有限公司正式宣告成立。   
八字 Modelling  西元: 1995年11月27日   性別:男性
日    月    年
大運2012   2022 乙酉
2016申----亥暗害 2017酉---財富印
2015-17 complications-time will tell Just Wild Guess




日    月    年
        大運2011/2022 庚辰-

992 Chart

Air Berlin Plc : airberlin and Minsheng Commercial Aviation Limited signed a Letter of Intent for Eleven Aircraft

Air Berlin Plc : airberlin and Minsheng Commercial Aviation Limited signed a Letter of Intent for Eleven Aircraft
Air Berlin to get three-digit-million-euro-sum from sale of planes
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Air Berlin's will receive a three-digit-million-euro-sum from the sale-and-leaseback contract for 11 planes with China's Minsheng, a spokesman for Air Berlin told Reuters on Thursday.

Dutch lingerie queen Marlies Dekkers in financial trouble

Even lingerie is not a sure-win business----Dutch lingerie queen Marlies Dekkers in financial trouble

Dutch lingerie queen Marlies Dekkers in financial trouble

Wednesday 14 August 2013
Lingerie queen Marlies Dekkers is in financial difficulty and her company is in talks with its bank on a new round of funding, according to business magazine Quote.
Quote says Dekkers' underwear empire booked a loss of €2.9m in 2012 and the company needs to raise extra cash because the profit booked over 2010 and 2011 (€1.33m and €400,000) is not enough to offset last and previous years' losses.
A spokesman for the company told Quote the retail group is not on the verge of bankruptcy and talks are underway with Rabobank to find a solution and a possible investor has been found.
In 2011, Dekkers won a copyright case against budget competitor Sapph for design theft when a Utrecht court decided Sapph bras with a band across the top of the cup looked too much like Dekkers' own design.
- See more at: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2013/08/dutch_lingerie_queen_marlies_d.php#sthash.HcxV3MRI.xIRUSmzc.dpuf
Marlies Dekkers -- 29 November 1965
日    月    年
丁    丁    乙 
亥    亥    巳
2007 →  2017 壬辰
2013癸巳--沖日, 沖月

Friend's comment-咁歐洲班老細多數水緊,班靠呢家野食糊嘅女人身材再惹火刀矛運行架啦。

HEMA (originally an acronym for Hollandsche Eenheidsprijzen Maatschappij Amsterdam, "Dutch Standard Prices Company Amsterdam") is a Dutch discount retail chain that started life as a dimestore. It was part of the Maxeda company until June 2007, when it was bought by Lion Capital LLP. The chain is characterized by relative low pricing of generic housewares, which are mostly made by and for the chain itself, often combined with original design.(wiki) HEMA branches in Netherlands:   Belgium:   Germany: 1Luxembourg:  and France: