林鄭 -1957年5月13日
日 月 年
乙 乙 丁
酉 巳 酉
Now--大運2006/2016 庚戌
so there are now 4殺
2013年10月30日 星期三
RE-Marilyn B. Tavenner (US Health Site Chief)
"Health Site Chief Expects Low Initial Enrollment Number By ROBERT PEAR
Despite the snags, Marilyn B. Tavenner argued against calls for delaying enforcement of the requirement that most Americans carry health insurance:
Marilyn B. Tavenner (born May 31, 1951) is Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Assumed office -December 2, 2011
born May 31, 1951-female
日 月 年
辛 癸 辛
未 巳 卯
2014 → 2023 庚子
2013癸巳=月柱 karma- so 2013, a year of difficulty
2014甲午衝大運庚子-still chaotic??
2016 critical-a election year
December 2, 2011
日 月 年 辛 己 辛
卯 亥 卯 2016丙申明合年日柱辛卯
2016 critical-a election year
Wild Guess--Obamacare will continue to be a difficult issue
2013年10月29日 星期二
Mark Thatcher: 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt
Actually by the 9th trend -geo 2017-2036/cosmic 2024-2043 the North is 5 yellow fly-star-( a bad)--so go South--(th trend is 9 (Fire)--so Africa as a hot place should be good--
投資非洲換資源--African ETF(NYSE)--Market Vectors Africa Index ETF (AFK), SPDR S&P Emerging Middle East & Africa ETF (GAF), iShares MSCI South Africa Index Fund (EZA)
Alquity非洲基金 A GBP Inc---avaiable in HK--Morningstar 基準指數S&P Pan Africa TR---基金成立日期2010-08-25----基金經理McIlroy David(since 2010-06-28)---http://www.alquity.com
深圳上市公司中金岭南(SZ000060), 零七股份(SZ000007) in Africa mining--http://kuaixun.stcn.com/2013/0324/10363691.shtm
華聯國際 (00969.HK)

鼎億集團投資 (00508.HK)
Mark Thatcher: 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup d'état attempt
Actually by the 9th trend -geo 2017-2036/cosmic 2024-2043 the North is 5 yellow fly-star-( a bad)--so go South--(th trend is 9 (Fire)--so Africa as a hot place should be good--
投資非洲換資源--African ETF(NYSE)--Market Vectors Africa Index ETF (AFK), SPDR S&P Emerging Middle East & Africa ETF (GAF), iShares MSCI South Africa Index Fund (EZA)
Alquity非洲基金 A GBP Inc---avaiable in HK--Morningstar 基準指數S&P Pan Africa TR---基金成立日期2010-08-25----基金經理McIlroy David(since 2010-06-28)---http://www.alquity.com
深圳上市公司中金岭南(SZ000060), 零七股份(SZ000007) in Africa mining--http://kuaixun.stcn.com/2013/0324/10363691.shtm
華聯國際 (00969.HK)

鼎億集團投資 (00508.HK)
AFK---Market Vectors-Africa ETF (ETF) NYSE
Re-John Lawson Thornton (清华—布鲁金斯研究中心)
Brookings Institution--- the John L. Thornton China Center,
John Lawson Thornton (born January 2, 1954)--n 2009, He is a former President and Co-CEO of Goldman Sachs.-he also became a member of the International Advisory Council of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment
Corporation. Lawson is also with Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest gold mining company in the world
日 月 年
戊 甲 癸
午 子 巳
大運2012/2023 戊午
http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/sppm/4657/2010/20101215100441371277766/20101215100441371277766_.html 清华—布鲁金斯研究中心
John Lawson Thornton (born January 2, 1954)--n 2009, He is a former President and Co-CEO of Goldman Sachs.-he also became a member of the International Advisory Council of the Chinese sovereign wealth fund China Investment
Corporation. Lawson is also with Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest gold mining company in the world
日 月 年
戊 甲 癸
午 子 巳
大運2012/2023 戊午
http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/sppm/4657/2010/20101215100441371277766/20101215100441371277766_.html 清华—布鲁金斯研究中心
黃國倫(1962年11月8日-)庚日男性--2014,5財年--2016丙申衝1962年柱壬寅 wild guess-Malay properties good for two more years--
2013年10月28日 星期一
RE-Paul Krugman--Addicted to the Apocalypse
RE-Paul Krugman--Addicted to the Apocalypse
"Stanley Druckenmiller, the billionaire investor, who has lately made a splash with warnings about the burden of our entitlement programs. (Gee, why hasn’t anyone else thought of making that point?) He could talk about the problems we may face a decade or two down the road. But, no. He seems to feel that he must warn about the looming threat of a financial crisis worse than 2008."
Stanley Freeman Druckenmiller (born June 14, 1953)
日 月 年丙 戊 癸 申 午 巳 大運
2005 → 2015 壬子
2015 → 2025 辛亥 2015乙未--亥未木印 2015印年2016丙申=日柱--申=財 good?
Paul Krugman-born February 28, 1953
日 月 年
庚 甲 癸
戌 寅 巳
2010 → 2020 戊申 衝月甲寅
2016丙申 庚=申--丙=七殺 raw? 2016- could be the year to worry
"Stanley Druckenmiller, the billionaire investor, who has lately made a splash with warnings about the burden of our entitlement programs. (Gee, why hasn’t anyone else thought of making that point?) He could talk about the problems we may face a decade or two down the road. But, no. He seems to feel that he must warn about the looming threat of a financial crisis worse than 2008."
Don’t believe me? Look at Japan, a country that, like America, has its own currency and borrows in that currency, and has much higher debt relative to G.D.P. than we do. Since taking office, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has, in effect, engineered exactly the kind of loss of confidence the debt worriers fear — that is, he has persuaded investors that deflation is over and inflation lies ahead, which reduces the attractiveness of Japanese bonds. And the effects on the Japanese economy have been entirely positive! Interest rates are still low, because people expect the Bank of Japan (the equivalent of our Federal Reserve) to keep them low; the yen has fallen, which is a good thing, because it make Japanese exports more competitive. And Japanese economic growth has actually accelerated.
Why, then, should we fear a debt apocalypse here? Surely, you may think, someone in the debt-apocalypse community has offered a clear explanation. But nobody has."
Stanley Freeman Druckenmiller (born June 14, 1953)
日 月 年丙 戊 癸 申 午 巳 大運
2005 → 2015 壬子
2015 → 2025 辛亥 2015乙未--亥未木印 2015印年2016丙申=日柱--申=財 good?
Paul Krugman-born February 28, 1953
日 月 年
庚 甲 癸
戌 寅 巳
2010 → 2020 戊申 衝月甲寅
2016丙申 庚=申--丙=七殺 raw? 2016- could be the year to worry
RE-政治豪賭局中局 (朱泙漫屠龍)
RE-政治豪賭局中局 (朱泙漫屠龍)
當年靠押注American Insurance Group (AIG:US)殭屍翻生的Fairholme Fund的基金經理Bruce Berkowitz已經宣佈大幅增持房利美(FNMA:US),倘若屬實Bruce Berkowitz的決定基本上是一場以真金白銀下注的政治豪賭。
Bruce Berkowitz's Capital Management-
SEC_Status Effective Date 1997-08-21-
1997年 8月21日
日 月 年
乙 戊 丁
未 申 丑
(1) 2014甲午--午丑刑
----2014 Q4 or later?? at least not early 2014?
Bruce Berkowitz registers with Fairholme since: 03/06/2003
American convention--Mar 6 2003
2003年 3月 6日 男性
日 月 年
戊 乙 癸
寅 卯 未
戊=戌-- 2014甲午--寅午戌
大運2013 → 2022 癸丑
癸財乙官 good
Mr. Timothy J. Mayopoulos, T Chief Executive Officer and President of Federal National Mortgage Association(FNMA:US) since June 18, 2012
日 月 年 庚 丙 壬 戌 午 辰 2014甲午 甲=寅----寅戌午合火 甲偏財 gone @@
Wild Guess--FMNA late 2014/early 2015?
當年靠押注American Insurance Group (AIG:US)殭屍翻生的Fairholme Fund的基金經理Bruce Berkowitz已經宣佈大幅增持房利美(FNMA:US),倘若屬實Bruce Berkowitz的決定基本上是一場以真金白銀下注的政治豪賭。
Bruce Berkowitz's Capital Management-
SEC_Status Effective Date 1997-08-21-
1997年 8月21日
日 月 年
乙 戊 丁
未 申 丑
(1) 2014甲午--午丑刑
----2014 Q4 or later?? at least not early 2014?
Bruce Berkowitz registers with Fairholme since: 03/06/2003
American convention--Mar 6 2003
2003年 3月 6日 男性
日 月 年
戊 乙 癸
寅 卯 未
戊=戌-- 2014甲午--寅午戌
大運2013 → 2022 癸丑
癸財乙官 good
Mr. Timothy J. Mayopoulos, T Chief Executive Officer and President of Federal National Mortgage Association(FNMA:US) since June 18, 2012
日 月 年 庚 丙 壬 戌 午 辰 2014甲午 甲=寅----寅戌午合火 甲偏財 gone @@
Wild Guess--FMNA late 2014/early 2015?
2013年10月22日 星期二
Gary D. Cohn, President of Goldman Sachs
Gary D. Cohn (born August 27, 1960[2]) is President and COO of investment banking and securities firm Goldman Sachs.
西元: 1960年 8月27日 性別:男性
日 月 年
丁 甲 庚
亥 申 子
2013/2023 庚寅 2014 甲午---衝年柱庚子 2014 a tough trading year??
西元: 1960年 8月27日 性別:男性
日 月 年
丁 甲 庚
亥 申 子
2013/2023 庚寅 2014 甲午---衝年柱庚子 2014 a tough trading year??
2013年10月18日 星期五
反對共產黨, 沒有好結果 @@
日 月 年
丁 丁 辛
丑 酉 卯
Oct 壬戌月--丁合地刑日柱
2013年10月11日 星期五
Benigno S. Aquino III]菲律賓亞謹諾III (1960年2月8日)
西元: 1960年 2月 8日男性
日 月 年
丙 戊 庚
寅 寅 子
大運2009 /2019 癸未
梁振英,Leung Chun Ying,1954年8月12日
西元: 1954年 8月12日男性
日 月 年
庚 壬 甲
子 申 午
大運2012 / 2022 戊寅
1955年 7月17日男性
日 月 年 己 癸 乙 卯 未 未 大運2008 / 2018 丁丑 Wild Guess-
亞謹諾年柱庚子=CY 日柱--
亞謹諾月柱戊寅=CY 大運
李克强大運2008/2018 丁丑 衝quino 大運2009/2019 癸未 香港人依賴李克强
西元: 1960年 2月 8日男性
日 月 年
丙 戊 庚
寅 寅 子
大運2009 /2019 癸未
梁振英,Leung Chun Ying,1954年8月12日
西元: 1954年 8月12日男性
日 月 年
庚 壬 甲
子 申 午
大運2012 / 2022 戊寅
1955年 7月17日男性
日 月 年 己 癸 乙 卯 未 未 大運2008 / 2018 丁丑 Wild Guess-
亞謹諾年柱庚子=CY 日柱--
亞謹諾月柱戊寅=CY 大運
李克强大運2008/2018 丁丑 衝quino 大運2009/2019 癸未 香港人依賴李克强
2013年10月9日 星期三
The European People's Party (EPP) is the major European political party of the centre-right
The EPP was founded on 8 July 1976 in Luxembourg on the particular initiative of Jean Seitlinger and then Belgian Prime Minister Leo Tindemans, who also became the first President of the party.The EPP includes major parties such as the German Christian Democratic Union(CDU), French Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), Italian People of Freedom (PdL), Spanish People's Party (PP), and Polish Civic Platform (PO), but has member parties in almost all EU states. It has no member party in the United Kingdom, as the BritishConservative Party do not agree with the EPP's federalist policies, and formed theAlliance of European Conservatives and Reformists
1976年 7月 8日:男性
日 月 年 辛 乙 丙
酉 未 辰
大運 2016/26己亥--亥未合木財
The Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, abbreviated to AECR, is a centre-right eurosceptic European political party, defending broader conservative andeconomically liberal principles.The AECR is led by a board of directors from the British Conservative Party, Polish Law and Justice, and Czech Civic Democratic Party, who are elected by the Council, which represents all parties. Founded 1 Oct 2009
2009年 10月 1日:男性
日 月 年
己 癸 己
卯 酉 丑
大運2017/2027 壬申衝日柱己卯 seems the European People's Party (EPP) will have a upper hand around 2016/26
Re-Kris and Bruce Jenner SPLIT after 22 years of marriage
Kris and Bruce Jenner SPLIT after 22 years of marriage -http://dailym.ai/1hAuM8D
William Bruce Jenner (born October 28, 1949) 1949年10月28日 男:
日 月 年 辛 甲 己 卯 戌 丑
大運2007 / 2017 戊辰
2013 癸巳--癸戊合--辰巳拐角
Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner born November 5, 1955
1955年11月 5日女性
日 月 年 庚 丙 乙 午 戌 未
大運2005 / 2015 壬辰
2013癸巳-傷官--七殺 Divorce? 2014午午自刑-午夫宮
William Bruce Jenner (born October 28, 1949) 1949年10月28日 男:
日 月 年 辛 甲 己 卯 戌 丑
大運2007 / 2017 戊辰
2013 癸巳--癸戊合--辰巳拐角
Kristen Mary "Kris" Jenner born November 5, 1955
1955年11月 5日女性
日 月 年 庚 丙 乙 午 戌 未
大運2005 / 2015 壬辰
2013癸巳-傷官--七殺 Divorce? 2014午午自刑-午夫宮
男女 大運辰辰自刑
2013年10月5日 星期六
Re-Iranian businessman Babak Zanjani
Wiki Search Result
Babak Zanjani (Persian: بابک زنجانی), also known as Babak Morteza Zanjani, born in 12 March 1971 is an Iranian businessman.
He is one of the individuals named in the restrictive measures against Iran by theEuropean Union on December 2012 ] by the EU council for the ground of what was stated as "assisting designated entities to violate the provisions of the EU regulation on Iran and is providing financial support to the government of Iran". Zanjani was claimed to be "a key facilitator for Iranian oil deals and transferring oil-related money".[3] He owns and operates the UAE-based Sorinet Group. He also own the Qeshm Airlines and theRah Ahan Sorinet F.C. in Iran.[4]
He denied the accusation, declining any ties with the Iranian government and calling the Europeans' decision " a mistake"
Sorinet Group (Persian: گروه شرکت های سورینت) is an Iranian business conglomerate led by Babak Zanjani. The company is one of Iran’s largest business conglomerates. Sorinet businesses include cosmetics , finance and banking, hospitality, commercial aviation, infrastructure, building material, Information technology and international real estate development with operations in Iran, United Arab Emirates,Turkey, Tajikistan, Malaysia and China as well as other emerging markets in the region.
The EU Sanctions against Iran describe Babak Zanjani as "a key facilitator for Iranian oil deals and transferring oil related money" and accuses First Islamic Bank of being used to channel Iranian oil-related payments
New York Times
New York Times
October 4, 2013
To This Tycoon, Iran Sanctions Were Like Gold
But it has all come tumbling down for the tycoon, Babak Zanjani, whose accounts were frozen by the United States Treasury in April and who has been blacklisted by the European Union.
Adding to his troubles, he has come under scrutiny by officials of the new pragmatist Iranian government, who suspect him of having worked with what they considered the corrupt inner circle of the previous president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They accused Mr. Zanjani last week of withholding $1.9 billion in oil revenues, prompting Parliament to begin an investigation into his business dealings.
His rise and now possible fall have opened a window into the secretive, shadowy world of Iranian tycoons who have made their fortunes, at least in part, by helping Iran evade the sanctions intended to thwart its nuclear program.
1971年 3月12日 男性
大運2012/22 丙戌合月柱--no luck
Wild-Guess Iran will enter the international community and Babak Zanjani is now less needed
Time will tell
1971年 3月12日 男性
大運2012/22 丙戌合月柱--no luck
Wild-Guess Iran will enter the international community and Babak Zanjani is now less needed
Time will tell
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