2014年3月19日 星期三

RE-Hema demands backdated price cut from its suppliers

The first HEMA opened in Amsterdam on 4 November 1926
Chinese Astrology
年柱 劫財 丙(火) 寅(木) 正印

月柱 傷官 戊(土) 戌(土) 傷官

日柱 日主 丁(火) 酉(金) 偏財
大運 2008-/ 2018- 比肩 丁(火) 未(土) 食神
 戌 vs 未 爭合

Wednesday 19 March 2014 Department store group Hema has angered suppliers by demanding they pay back 3% to 5% of the amount they earned from the Dutch high street retailer in 2013, the Telegraaf reports on Wednesday. Hema has also told suppliers it is to start paying bills 120 days after delivery rather than 90 days from April. - See more at: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2014/03/hema_demands_backdated_price_c.php#sthash.2msQKXIr.dpuf"

Groundless Wild Guess-bad Chinese Astrology in 2014??

2014年3月17日 星期一

Re-Valentino’s exceptionally strong growth

The Chinese Astrology of Valentino Garavani (Voghera, Italy, May 11 1932)

年柱 比肩 壬(水) 申(金) 偏印
月柱 傷官 乙(木) 巳(火) 偏財
日柱 日主 壬(水) 申(金) 偏印

2011/210-28 劫財 癸(水) 丑(土) 正官(閒)

With Revenue Up 25 Percent, Valentino Is Pushing for Another High Growth Year

by ELIZA BROOKE--http://fashionista.com/2014/03/valentino-revenue-2013/ "Valentino’s exceptionally strong growth — compared to other luxury players — may be partly due to the fact that its primary market is still Europe, not China. While other luxury brands have seen a slowdown in growth in China due to a crackdown on gifting to government officials, CEO Stefano Sassi says the same is not true of Valentino, simply because the brand isn’t overexposed there yet. That’s not to say China isn’t of interest to Valentino. Sassi noted that the house is more interested in going deeper into its existing markets — the U.S., Europe and Asia — than in entering uncharted territory." Chinese Astrology Perspective-Mr Valentino Garavani is a water person who doesn't need China that much

2014年3月13日 星期四


From KimbleChartingSolution.com/blog

SPX monthly

RE-詹姆斯杜森贝里James Duesenberry的相对收入假说 Relative Income Hypothesis

詹姆斯杜森贝里James Duesenberry(1918年7月18日- 2009年10月5日)是美国 经济学家他对收入和就业与他1949年的博士论文的凯恩斯主义分析显著贡献收入,储蓄和消费行为理论 Income, Saving and the Theory of Consumer Behavior.  Kenneth Arrow阿罗认为,它提供了“战后时期最显著的贡献之一,我们对经济的理解行为“。他的理论,但是,后来从标准教科书中消失了,虽然它优于流离失所它在20世纪50年代的替代理论 (wiki)



Christian Belabed and Thomas Theobald: Inequality and the Current Account


新经济思维研究所Christian Belabed and Thomas Theobald及其合著者已经恢复这个古老的理论作为一个假说来解释收入差距不断扩大Inequality Gap和经常账户赤字Current Account Deficit之间的明显统计学链接。中产阶层,所以这种观点认为,只是试图跟上消耗定额上层阶级的,这不断向上扩展为更多的总收入流。 

Christian Belabed and Thomas Theobald 的工作文件(IMK)


詹姆斯杜森贝里James Duesenberry(1918年7月18日
年柱 食神 戊(土) 午(火) 劫財
月柱 傷官 己(土) 未(土) 傷官
日柱 日主 丙(火) 寅(木)       偏印
2005-2015 食神 戊(土) 辰(土) 食神
2015-2025  傷官 己(土)       巳(火)       比肩
