The first HEMA opened in Amsterdam on 4 November 1926
Chinese Astrology
年柱 劫財 丙(火) 寅(木) 正印
月柱 傷官 戊(土) 戌(土) 傷官
日柱 日主 丁(火) 酉(金) 偏財
大運 2008-/ 2018- 比肩 丁(火) 未(土) 食神
2014午年寅 戌 vs 未 爭合午
"Wednesday 19 March 2014 Department store group Hema has angered suppliers by demanding they pay back 3% to 5% of the amount they earned from the Dutch high street retailer in 2013, the Telegraaf reports on Wednesday. Hema has also told suppliers it is to start paying bills 120 days after delivery rather than 90 days from April. - See more at:"
Groundless Wild Guess-bad Chinese Astrology in 2014??