2014年3月17日 星期一

Re-Valentino’s exceptionally strong growth

The Chinese Astrology of Valentino Garavani (Voghera, Italy, May 11 1932)

年柱 比肩 壬(水) 申(金) 偏印
月柱 傷官 乙(木) 巳(火) 偏財
日柱 日主 壬(水) 申(金) 偏印

2011/210-28 劫財 癸(水) 丑(土) 正官(閒)

With Revenue Up 25 Percent, Valentino Is Pushing for Another High Growth Year

by ELIZA BROOKE--http://fashionista.com/2014/03/valentino-revenue-2013/ "Valentino’s exceptionally strong growth — compared to other luxury players — may be partly due to the fact that its primary market is still Europe, not China. While other luxury brands have seen a slowdown in growth in China due to a crackdown on gifting to government officials, CEO Stefano Sassi says the same is not true of Valentino, simply because the brand isn’t overexposed there yet. That’s not to say China isn’t of interest to Valentino. Sassi noted that the house is more interested in going deeper into its existing markets — the U.S., Europe and Asia — than in entering uncharted territory." Chinese Astrology Perspective-Mr Valentino Garavani is a water person who doesn't need China that much

